Why isn't left-wing chickenshit Obama returning all the unneeded bullets his czars bought?
(too old to reply)
2013-04-07 21:23:11 UTC
What's the problem here?

The United States is broke, yet Obama's czar's bought millions
of rounds of ammunition, apparently for the express purpose of
keeping them out of the hands of civilians.

Or, do they intend to use them on the American public?

James E. Morrow
2013-04-09 17:42:00 UTC
Post by Too_Many_Tools
What's the problem here?
The United States is broke, yet Obama's czar's bought millions
of rounds of ammunition, apparently for the express purpose of
keeping them out of the hands of civilians.
Or, do they intend to use them on the American public?
An armed people are a free people. This is the very reason for the
Second Amendment to the United States Constitution.
James E. Morrow Email to ***@email.com --
"Government, even at its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its
worst state, an intolerable one." --
Thomas Paine, "Common Sense", 1776